Medical Facilities & Services: Health and Safety
Medical Facilities/Services
Medical facilities and services will not be the same in every country, and thus it is important to understand these differences in your host country before you should need them. Be sure you obtain information when you arrive abroad about medical facilities and services in your host city/country. You will need to understand where to go for common health needs (i.e., cold, stomachache, flu, etc.) and where to go for emergencies, as well as how medical services are paid for (i.e., out-of-pocket by the student, by insurance, by the host country or institution, etc.).
Know whom to contact abroad and at home in case of a medical emergency.
If you require accommodations for a medical condition and/or disability during a Study Abroad program, you must submit an accommodation letter from Pratt's Learning/Access Center (L/AC) to Education Abroad before going abroad. The earlier the request is made, the more measures Education Abroad can take to research and discuss the availability of accommodations at your host institution.
Please note: “reasonable accommodations” provided at Pratt may differ from those in the host country and/or may not be available at the host institution. Identify your current accommodations at Pratt on page 2 of the accommodation form. Please note: If you have not already registered with Pratt’s L/AC, contact that office at 718-802-3123 or
After research and review, Education Abroad will notify you about the availability of your requested accommodations. If the requested accommodations are limited or not available in your chosen host country and/or institution, the Director of Education Abroad will discuss your options with you.
Mental Health
Not all countries have mental health support services that are similar to those available in the U.S. Thus, access to mental health services may not be available in some countries or locations. It is important for you to know if, what, and where such services might be available in your host country and to research this well in advance of departure. You should prepare as much as possible for cultural adjustment before studying abroad.
International Affairs can provide you with a list of readings that can inform you about the cycle of adjustment to a different culture. Although this information will not prevent you from experiencing cultural adjustment problems, it can help you to prepare for the usual symptoms and cycle and provide some helpful advice for a successful adjustment. If you currently use or have in the past used mental health services, you should contact Pratt's Counseling Center or a private mental health practitioner before going abroad. Your counselor should be advised as to your plans and needs so that he/she can help you develop a health care plan while abroad.
If you are currently involved with mental health services, you should seriously discuss with your mental health practitioner the advisability of participating in study abroad and issues related to cultural adjustment.