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Registering For Courses

Students studying abroad will need to register for Pratt courses during the regular registration period, as if you are staying at Pratt for the following semester.  Upon submitting your Semester Study Abroad Course Equivalency Form , you will then be registered for Study Abroad courses and automatically dropped from the courses you had registered for.  This form will be accessible in Terra Dotta after you are nominated by Pratt to study abroad.  In order to fill out this form, you will have to select courses at the host school and have appropriate officials approve them for transfer credit for specific Pratt courses.  This contract will ensure that you receive the approved credit for your classes abroad. 
Courses at Host School
List the courses you propose to attend the host school. To select courses, consult the website of the school to find out what courses are offered. Not all courses listed may be available each semester; you should consider alternative courses to allow flexibility. If you cannot find courses at the host school that you can list, provide a more general description, such as “painting courses at CSM at the junior level."

Pratt Courses for which Credit will be Given
Your department and other officials will determine if the courses you have selected are appropriate for you and for which Pratt courses you will receive credit for. Complete this form in consultation with your department and, if appropriate, with the SLAS advisor and/or department chair.
Pratt's current Course Catalog is avail
able here.

Required approval signatures

Obtaining Credit for Courses
  1. Indicate on the Course Equivalency Form the courses you want to take.
  2. Bring the form and the course description (a printout of the web page), and other relevant information such as program description and program curriculum of the host school to your department's chairperson. S/he will review the courses and indicate her/his approval by signing the form.

Obtaining Credit for Courses in the Liberal Arts and Sciences
Students who participate in the Exchange program need to plan their academic program for future semesters carefully to make sure that they can complete all of their remaining liberal arts and sciences requirements while maintaining their graduation timeline. This is especially true if attending one of the institutions abroad where liberal arts credits are not available. Liberal arts courses are available at the following participating schools:
  • Bauhaus University (intensive language courses: German)
  • Glasgow School of Art (various courses)
  • Musashino (intensive language courses: Japanese)
*If you are going to these schools and plan to take Liberal Arts courses, which can include foreign language study, your courses must be approved before leaving Pratt. No approval for liberal arts and sciences credit will be granted for unapproved courses after your return to campus. There are no exceptions to this rule.

To get approval, follow the steps below:
  • Indicate on the form the courses you want to take.
  • Credit for Art and Design courses taken at the host institution will be granted only History of Art and Design credit.
  • A maximum of 6 liberal arts credits will transfer. A grade of C or higher or its numerical equivalent is acceptable for transfer to the Pratt.

Obtaining Credit for Courses in Art and/or Design History
If you are planning to take Art History course(s) at the host school, your course(s) must be approved before leaving Pratt. If you do not, you will not be able to get credit for these courses when you return. Please follow the steps online closely to ensure you receive these credits. If your contract is not approved, you will be asked to review it and make the appropriate changes. 

To the host school: you will need to send an application to the host school in addition to registering for the course at Pratt.

Pratt must have an official transcript of your coursework abroad to award you academic credit toward your degree. Before leaving the partner institution, request that a transcript be sent to Pratt. Also, get an unofficial transcript yourself.